
The following publications are published by, or under the auspices of, the Society: The Review , the Recueils and News Flash of the Society.

The Military Law and the Law of War Review

The Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre is a journal published annually and consisting of 2 issues usually published together. It is edited by the (Belgian) Military Law and the Law of War Center under the auspices of the Society and is published.
The Review is peer reviewed and publishes contributions about matters of interest to military lawyers in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. Proposals can be sent, preferably in electronic version, to the Director of Publications (see contact details below) . Each proposal should include a summary in French or in English (as well as in the language of the text).
The price of a subscription is 39,00 EUR for members of the Society and 59,00 EUR for non-members.
For further information about the Review contact the Director of Publications, Martyna FALKOWSKA-CLARYS

The Recueils of the International Society for Military Law & the Law of War

The Recueils of Society contain most of the proceedings of the triennial international congresses of the Society.
For further information about the Recueil contact the Director of Publications, Martyna FALKOWSKA-CLARYS

The Society’s News Flash

The News Flash is distributed to the Society’s members in electronic form and in principle contains sections on relevant activities of the Society and its national groups and of other organisations, on current developments in its area of activities (international treaties, jurisprudence, domestic regulations, etc.) and on new publications of interest.
Previous issues from 2010 onwards are available to all in the News Flash archive.

For further information concerning any of these publications, submissions, subscriptions or questions, please contact Prof. Vaïos Koutroulis, Director of Publications, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, Avenue de la Renaissance 30, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, E-mail:

Humanitarian Law